An Old Enemy
Val is on Bluesky now! 🦋
Val is on Bluesky now! 🦋
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I put this one out on my birthday yesterday for patrons but here it is for everyone else a day later. It also includes a story too! It’s been a while since I had Val in a good ol’ fashioned Orcing and its always a good fit for her. This continues the storyline started in the previous release with Val’s broken collar.
After passing through Ashenvale dangerously close to the Orcish lumber mill ops, Val finds herself captive not just of any Orc, but one who has seemingly heard about the breaking of her cursed collar. An ex-Kor’kron who knows the buxom elf well and was one of her interrogators back during the Pandaria war under Hellscream.
Val had initially refused a protection detail from the sentinels, thinking that would attract too much detail to her. Alas, she had not been anticipating that someone was already hunting her. She’s easily ambushed and puts up no fight as a pacifist. Three days later she’s in Durotar, naked and heavy with chains and iron shackles.
The Orc reveals himself to be Goretrugg, one of her interrogators who used Hellscream’s orc purity war as an excuse to use and abuse all manner of prisoners for their own pleasure. Seemingly he had avoided punishment by the Horde for his crimes and was living out in the deserts of Durotar right under their noses.
He chains and shackles Val to a device she had become quite familiar with back in her captivity days under him and other Kor’kron. The crudely named ‘fuck bench’ was exactly what it sounded like. A device to secure and make vulnerable prisoners for sex from their captors. They were often left out in the sun and made into public use objects. Goretrugg’s particularly cruel mind opted to position the one Val was on in front of a body of water. Keeping her tantalizingly close to quenching her heat-driven thirst yet ever out of reach while shackled and chained to the bench.
His plan was simple, he would be the one to breed her into his slave wife. In spite of her words to him that she wasn’t sure if the collar’s effects had even faded yet and that they likely hadn’t, the Orc dismisses her words. He spends three days breeding her over and over, giving her load after load of his seed. Feeding her food and water at the bare minimum so she does not perish. By night, he leaves her chained there alone and well used with only a single torch for warmth and illumination.
On the third night, she hears commotion from the Orc’s hut. The guttural screams and roars of Goretrugg as he’s brutally slain by three Sentinels – seemingly they had been determined to make him suffer before he died. They had tracked Val all the way from Ashenvale when she never made it to her destination, eager to find her before she disappeared into a goblin slave market.
Val’s captivity with this Orc was thankfully short this time, and his seed had never taken hold. All but confirming to Val that even with the collar gone, things weren’t quite as simple as that. The Sentinels throw torches into the hut with the bloodied body of Goretrugg inside. As she rides away on the back of a hippogryph into the night, she even says a prayer to Elune for the soul of the Orc.