Beauty & Betrayal


Very simple, just a pin-up of a pretty Elf. Didn’t turn out exactly as I had hoped but I feared it’d get worse the longer I spent on it so here it is. Thanks to Alisinya for the commission!

Alisinya Tal'renar turned from the Horde during the War of Thorns because of their unforgivable acts and frankly criminal attacks on innocents. Beyond that they wished to desecrate the fallen and raise them against their enemies, something she found entirely abhorrent and would not stand for. To have a Sin’dorei defect to the enemy faction and integrate with them with such ease reflected poorly on Silvermoon, yet for her to have slain one of her Sin’dorei kin in the process of defending the enemy was unforgivable in their eyes.

In the process of digging up dirt on her, an old photo of Alisinya dressed provocatively and posing in a questionable manner was recovered in Silvermoon. Of course they used it to defame and discredit her actions, such a photo proved her deviancy and they used it and other methods to paint her as a villain of her people. It was purely propaganda and completely left out the fact that the photo was taken for an old lover of Alisinya. It was such an old picture that she still had blue eyes instead of her current golden ones.

Now among the Alliance and serving the Silver Hand, Alisinya was saddened to learn of Silvermoon’s grasping at straws attempt to discredit her true reasons for turning from her people and her old faction. Yet it has only strengthened her resolve and made her not doubt the choice she made all the more. The Alliance understood honor and restraint better than the Horde ever could, perhaps one day she would stand in Silvermoon again with her kin, but that day seemed so far away that it did not seem likely to appear even on the horizon for a long time to come.


The Goblin Assault


Claire's Long Night - Part 1