

You thought I wouldn’t use the Vulpera? You were wrong! To be honest I was surprised too, I had little interest in them until I tried one on the PTR and kind of fell in love with the furry little bastards. So I figured I’d throw one onto Val and see how that turned out. I think you can agree that they’re pretty cute. Val certainly seems to think so.


Val admired Kiro for a few reasons. For his level headed leadership of his people, his healing talents and his cute bushy tail. Though in this moment she admired his determination and stamina in the act of attempting to pleasure himself and a woman of a much larger race than his own. By Vulpera standards he was well endowed, yet by the standards of other races he wasn’t quite up to the task of pleasuring a Kaldorei woman in a big way, least of all an abundantly experienced woman like Val.

Kiro panted and moaned softly as his tiny furry hips furiously beat against Val’s large round rear beneath him. She felt incredible to him, her soft furless skin unusually enticing in no small part to her voluptuous curves. Extra effort was required on his part to even get inside her with the short reach of his cock. Her round large cheeks proving an obstacle to squeeze between to even reach her impeccably tight rear hole.

It was far from the best sex Val had ever had, sympathetically she had even feigned much of her moans and pleasure for Kiro’s benefit. Yet she was still having fun and getting enough out of it to enjoy herself as well. Neither had expected such a pairing to occur today, yet it seemed to be a friendship that transcended factional divide and that was enough for both of them.


Naked Attraction


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