Her Acolyte


Bit of a slow month, but I still managed to get out this imposing art of the Baroness with one of her loyal acolytes, Scarlett! This was genuinely fun to work on and forgive the quiet month… Elden Ring and Dawntrail stunlocked me >.>

<Written on some old parchment, the edges tinged by fel flame>

She's so beautiful, radiant and magnificient. Terrifying. She looks out across a dark cosmos, as it lies at her feet and so do I. She rolls her shoulders a little as her demonic wings expand, she flaps them a couple of times before letting them rest. She clicks her finger at me, and I quickly crawl to her leg, hugging it with my arms and the side of my face. She runs her hand through my hair, stroking it as if I were common house pet. Bliss.

It was there as I peered up through unworthy eyes that I truly saw the foolish folly of my belief that I could learn to be as powerful as her. That was why I had come to her all that time ago after all. I thought myself a warlock approaching another warlock on equal footing for instruction, but I was so wrong. I must have looked so small to her.

She was on a path to greater power long before she met me and I feel deeply honored to be in her presence as she consolidates that power. It would be naive to say that I stand at her side, I do not. Nobody stands her equal, I merely grovel at her feet as she transcends her humanity into something greater. I envy her clothes as they get to be against her warmth at all times, I wish I was the dust on her boots, at least then my kissing of them wouldn’t be so fleeting.

When she looks down at me I feel a sense of belonging and a need to serve, I feel her eyes staring at me, through me and inside me into the deepest blackest depths of my soul to measure my worth. When she beds me, she revels in my mortal corrupt body and I've learned that what would count as shaming and debasing myself for someone in my old life is called loyal service in this one.

As we lay in her bed last night, she moved atop me and pinned my hands back to the sheets. My heart raced. Then she let my hands go and slipped hers around my neck, pressing me down as she squeezed so tight. Those eyes stared deep into mine as she squeezed the life from my lungs. She was trying to see something in me, taking me to the edge of death. I didn't fight her, not even a little. My life was hers to take if she wanted it, it was not my place to deny mistress the taking of something that belonged to her already.

Then she let go, and as the world returned from a blackening blur to clarity again and the life giving air filled my lungs once more I found myself looking up at her dominant expression. That smug smile on her lips as she peered down at me, the bruises of her grip already beginning to appear on my neck.

I had pleased her, yet in what way I can't be sure. Was it a test of loyalty to her? If I had fought back would she have ended me? Perhaps it was a reminder of how quickly and easily she could take my life at any moment. She offered no explanation, called me "Her Acolyte" and then straddled my face with those powerful hips. She had me eat her ass and pussy for so long that my tongue ached, it was wondeful.

I love her so very much. If you're reading this and The Baroness envelopes you in her wings, do not fight her. Let her draw you close into the warm embrace of her bosom. Surrender dignity, pride and shame - only then can you truly know what it means to serve something far greater than yourself.

To my family and friends I once had, you must forgive me. I have long forgotten your faces and the sound of your voices in my mind. I have no room to remember them, I must forget and pledge myself entirely to my mistress. She has shown me that the fleeting mortal ties of my old life are nothing compared to the long eternal life of service to her that awaits me. When you all crumble to dust in the ground, I shall remain at my mistress' feet, basking in her glorious beauty and power.

Weep not for me, as it is I who should weep for you. To live a life without the Baroness is an empty one.

Farewell shadows of my old life.

- Scarlett,

Loyal Acolye of The Baroness