The Warden's Birthday


A few releases still coming including a couple of commissions! But I hope you’ll enjoy a triple threat of my most beautiful boi characters with the mighty Aethera. In all her ten thousand years, Aethera has never enjoyed three beautiful femboys at the same time. Something Zozu ratifies when he invites his good friends Ri'lael and Saran to join him in celebrating the Kaldorei MILF's birthday!

Even a stoic woman like Aethera couldn't help but visibly smile as she found herself the center of attention of three beautiful feminine boys. She wasn't quite sure how she'd lucked into this particular arrangement but she certainly wasn't complaining. She'd always held a fondness for beautiful boys, it was inexplicable to her really, they were just so delicate and cute that they made for fun bedfellows in spite of their shortcomings.

She reached her right arm backwards to grope the rear of the very spirited Elf boy behind her. He wasn't endowed enough to actually penetrate the large rear of the tall amazon-esque Elf woman he humped eagerly from behind. Saran was his name, he was one of Zozu's friends along with the Troll boy Ri'lael.

Saran's arms were wrapped around the strong midriff of Aethera as his little hips humped so very quickly at the firm yet full asscheeks of the Warden, his cock sandwiched between the mounds providing him the pleasure he sought even if he wasn't actually penetrating. Everytime he began to slow down or tucker out, Aethera would give him a firm smack on the rear and peer down at him as his head popped out from around her side with a dominant expectant gaze - it always worked, it sent those hips humping like a rabbit again.

Her eyes then flicked to the blue-skinned troll boy, Ri'lael, who seemed obsessed with her matronly chest. The lad had barely parted those lips from her tits since meeting her. He was a delicate thing, a little shy and clearly not used to the company of a strong woman. Or any woman for that matter. He hung on Aethera's every word too, mezmerized by her strong aura. She didn't know it yet, but she's awaken to him suckling her breast the following morning.

Then her gaze turned to Zozu, her beloved boyfriend and servant. Seemingly the only Orc and Male permitted daily access to the Vault of the Wardens for his role. His face was buried up between those tits, looking lovingly up at her as his little cock penetrated her pussy from the front. He too was humping away like a horny pup, unable to really please the woman he was with but still so doting and eager to try.

She silently enjoyed the amusement of the boy's chatting as they doted on her.

"How'd you score such a milf girlfriend, Zozu!" Saran, inquired as bluntly as ever.

"I guess I'm just lucky. She's so pretty isn't she? And strong! Don't you think so Ri'lael?" he asked, beaming happily up at her.

"Mmffnngfff~" Ri'lael replied, a mouthful of Elf tit in his mouth.

A very happy birthday awaited Aethera, and the day was only getting started.